On Tuesday 28th of March 2023, a group of 25 bachelor students of Hydraulic and Environmental engineering from the Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU) visited the Barcelona Fluids & Energy Lab (IFLUIDs) at UPC in Spain.
The director of the IFLUIDs research group, Prof. Xavier Escaler, gave a lecture on the H2020 European project AFC4Hydro that the IFLUIDs group is coordinating. Then, the IFLUIDs researcher working in that project, Xavier Sánchez, showed them the facilities and the test rig mounted at the laboratory to give them some insights of the work they are carrying out with the design of the Structural Health Monitoring (SHM) system.
Additionally, some of the sensors and instrumentation implemented in the SHM system were also presented, together with a small introduction of the utility of using a CompactRIO to acquire data and post-process it in real-time to track the tendency of relevant health indicators of the turbine.