Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya
Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya-BarcelonaTech (UPC) is a public institution dedicated to higher education and research, specialised in the fields of architecture, engineering and technology. It is one of the biggest universities in Spain, with over 33,000 students, 30 departments and 216 research groups (academic year 2016-2017).
Under the current Horizon 2020 programme (2014-2020), to date the UPC has been granted 137 projects, coordinating 40 (8 of them are funded by the European Research Council). The UPC also has 23 projects (coordinating 4) funded by other European programmes. All of these projects have a total EU financial contribution of EUR 53 million. According to the H2020 country profile and featured projects for Spain, published in October 2017, by the European Commission (EC), the UPC is the top university and third institution in Spain in terms of income from the EC for H2020 funded projects.
Several groups of UPC will be involved in the project with different levels of contribution. These groups are the following ones:
- Barcelona Fluids & Energy Lab has been created by a group of engineers working at UPC with more than 20 years of experience in vibrations, diagnostics, damage detection, flow control and experimental and numerical fluid dynamics. The lab provides technological support to companies in fields related to fluid machinery and renewable energy systems such as hydro, wind and tidal energy. The lab’s main fields of expertise are experimental techniques for fluid structure interaction investigations, numerical modelling of complex two-phase flows, and the diagnostics of vibration problems in machinery, online remote monitoring and predictive maintenance. The staff in the lab produces high impact research in their fields of expertise which is presented in international conferences and regularly published as research articles in internationally recognised scientific journals. Additionally, it is involved in the UPC Mechanical Engineering, Fluids and Aeronautics doctoral degree programme.
- Centre of Technological Innovation in Static Converters and Drives (CITCEA-UPC) is the group responsible for the analysis of the electrical generator. The CITCEA-UPC is devoted to develop research, innovation, technological transfer to industry in the field of electrical systems. The group’s activity is focused on mechatronics, motion control, automation, power electronics, energy conversion, renewable and conventional energies, and power systems.
- Institut de Robòtica i Informàtica Industrial (IRI) is a joint institute of the UPC and the Spanish Council for Scientific Research (CSIC). The Automatic Control research group at the IRI develops basic and applied research in automatic control, with special emphasis on modelling, supervising and controlling nonlinear, complex and/or large-scale systems. The group has acquired specific expertise in the application of advanced control techniques to environmental systems operation and resources management, specifically in the water and energy fields. The research is oriented towards improving the efficiency in power generation systems, water supply, distribution networks and power supply grids, among others.