Oksla powerplant
The Oksla powerplant is located in the municipality of Odda in Norway. The plant consists of one Francis type turbine with a power rating of 210MW. The annual average production is 891GWh . The plant is fully owned by Statkraft.
The powerplant exploits the head potential of 465m between Ringedalsvannet, a lake reservoir with a dam, and Sørfjorden (sea). Oksla powerplant came online in 1980. At that point it replaced a power plant, Tysso I, that was completed in 1908. Tysso I is now a museum and an industrial heritage site, see http://www.nvim.no/?lang=en_GB .
The Oksla power plant is selected as a test site for AFC4Hydro technologies. This will also be the final validation in the project period and the technologies will benefit from being tested in a relevant industrial environment.
More info
The description of the plant is based on a translation of the Norwegian presentation on Statkraft’s public web pages: