Upcoming event: AFC4Hydro Open Workshop 20.11.23

Active Flow Control system for improving hydraulic turbine performances at off-design operation

Date: 20/11/2023

Time: 13:00-17:00

Espai Catalunya Europa,  Rue de la Loi / Wetstraat,
227, 1040 Brussels (Belgium)

The AFC4Hydro project is coming to an end and we are pleased to invite you to participate in our final Open Workshop!

The AFC4Hydro project is a research project funded by the EC H2020 Framework Programme which has addressed a novel Active Flow Control system to mitigate deleterious flow phenomena at off-design operation and during ramps of load in existing hydraulic turbines.

In this open workshop, the concept and implementation of this new technology as well as its positive impact on actual turbines will be presented in terms of increased reliability and flexibility, and reduced wear and tear. The workshop will start describing the combination of technologies that have been used to reduce the pressure and load fluctuations exerted on the machine by the draft tube flow. Then, the experimental campaigns and the preliminary results obtained in a model turbine, a 10 MW Kaplan turbine, a 200 MW Francis turbine and a 25 MW Francis turbine will be discussed. Finally, the steps carried out and the expected plan for exploitation of the AFC technology will be addressed.

The outcome of AFC4Hydro is a valuable and necessary step to accelerate the integration of renewable technologies in the energy system.

The event will be held both online (link to the meeting coming soon) and in person.
To participate in the event in-person, registration is mandatory. Follow the link below:

AFC4Hydro Open Workshop Poster


13:00     Welcome to the physical and online participants

13:10     Presentation of AFC4Hydro project

13:20     The AFC subsystems: IPM, ICM and SHM

13:35     Questions

13:45     Operation in a reduced scale Kaplan turbine at the Vattenfall R&D Center (Alvkarleby, Sweden)

14:05     Questions

14:15     Coffee Break

14:25     Operation in the homologous 10 MW Kaplan turbine prototype at Porjus (Sweden)

14:45     Questions

14:55     Operation in the 200 MW Francis turbine prototype at Oksla and in the 25 MW Francis turbine at Svorka (Norway)

15:15     Questions

15:25     Coffee Break

15:40     Expected impact and exploitation of the technology

15:50     Questions

16:00     Panel discussion

16:20     Closing remarks from EU project officer

16:30     Closing remarks from the Project Coordinator

16:40     End of the open workshop

*Note the schedule may be subject to change.