AFC4Hydro project will be presented in the frame of the EU Green Week events next week.
About the event: “European hydropower is important for the Green Deal”
Hydropower is an important renewable energy sources in Europe. Reservoir hydropower and pumped hydro provides very large volume of energy storage. This largely exceeds current battery technologies. Modern, flexible hydropower plants can provide a large range of power system services. This makes hydropower a natural and green companion and support for increased development other renewable energy sources such as wind and solar.
This popularized event will introduce the role of European hydropower to the general public.
Event info:
Date: 26 May 2021
Time: 13:00 – 14:00
LINK for the event:
Link to EU Green Week 2021 partner event website: European hydropower is important for the green deal | EU Green Week 2021
Visit HydroFlex webpage for more info: