The AFC4Hydro Alignment Meeting was held in Barcelona 22 to 24 October 2019. The meeting was organized by project coordinator Prof. Xavier Escaler and hosted by UPC. All partners were represented in the meeting.
- UPC: Xavier Escaler, Oscar De La Torre, Esteve Jou, Malcolm Burns, Rafel Roig, Jian Chen, Linlin Geng, Oriol Gomis, Eduardo Prieto, Tom Creemers
- LTU: Michel Cervantes, Henrik Holmström, Shahab Shiraghaee, Joel Sundström, Khalid Atta, Angelica Brusell
- FDB: Morten Kjeldsen, Carl Bergan, Jarle Ekanger, Andreas Tønnessen
- Vattenfall: Carl-Maikel Högström
- Porjus Foundation: Pontus Jonsson