Thursday and Friday, 26-27th of June 2019, the AFC4Hydro work package leaders and partners all met face to face for the first time in Brüssel. Thursday was dedicated planning of the main deliveries, while the second day included an introduction to the laboratories and the powerplants where the AFC4Hydro technologies will be demonstrated. Of special mention is that the Vattenfall Älvakarlaby hydroturbine test facility is being rebuilt, independent of AFC4Hydro, to accommodate a type laboratory testing that is highly valuable for demonstration of the technologies to be developed in the project. During the two days we had visits by Dr. Thomas Schleker, the policy officer overseeing the field of Hydropower within the H2020 program, and the project manager at H2020 Mr. Sébastien Mortier. All returned with a better understanding of the project, and input for addressing challenges for the different deliveries and tasks. The next joint venue will be an alignment meeting taking place in Barcelona in October.